Episode 83

January 27, 2025


#83 | Pete Treviño, Megan Chapa, and Jenny Lee Hernandez

#83 | Pete Treviño, Megan Chapa, and Jenny Lee Hernandez
Corpus Christi Originals Podcast
#83 | Pete Treviño, Megan Chapa, and Jenny Lee Hernandez

Jan 27 2025 | 01:38:35


Show Notes

Join host Jesus Hilario H. as he dives into Corpus Christi's vibrant community culture with special guests Jenny Lee, Megan Chapa, and Pete Treviño. This episode is filled with laughs, heartfelt stories, and inspiration as they discuss the power of community spirit, the influence of Tejano music, and the resilience shaped by oilfield grit. Plus, learn about Pete’s iconic trailer BBQ pit, "Big Bertha," and its role in local community service. Don’t miss this unforgettable conversation! 



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: What's going on Y’all? Corpus Christi Originals back at it again. Real quick. Shout out to the producer Miah back there. His birthday is in a few days. Happy birthday, little bro. [00:00:08] Speaker B: Happy birthday. [00:00:09] Speaker A: Also got my anniversary coming up, baby. I love you. Happy anniversary. Coming up soon. Today we got community service. Talking about community service, music, and I guess just different stuff with Pete, Megan and Jenny. Jenny Lee. You guys want to introduce yourselves? [00:00:27] Speaker B: Sure. Megan Choppa. [00:00:30] Speaker C: Jenny Lee Hernandez. [00:00:32] Speaker A: All right. [00:00:33] Speaker D: Pete Tribunio. [00:00:34] Speaker A: All right, cool. So you guys. So Jenny reached out, and you mentioned that she. You wanted her to reach out, right? And so it all started like that, and she was like, hey, you should get this guy Pete on here. He's got, you know, he. He pulls up with his trailer, and he cooks a bunch of, you know, stuff for the people. So what's that about, man? [00:00:53] Speaker D: Like I said, you know, it was. It was something that I had, you know, my first encounter of. Ever wanted to do something is, you know, when I lost my dad in 2010, you know, we obviously, we came together to do a fundraiser for my dad, and it went well, you know, with. With being able to do it with my. With my mom and my brothers and, you know, and then just realize that, you know, didn't have the support that everybody said that they. They had for me at the time, you know, family, friends, and. [00:01:22] Speaker A: Oh, wow. [00:01:22] Speaker D: You know, so when that day came, you know, just me, my mom, and my brothers, and we made it happen. And something told me. I was like, man, I said, I can't be the only one that gets lied to like this, you know, so you. I mean, you know, with all the bad that happens in Corpus that people like to focus on, I said, let me try something. I mean, and this was in 2010, and here we are 2025, and it's been. It's been a blow and go ever since, man. [00:01:46] Speaker A: It's. It's interesting that you mentioned that about, like, family members and stuff like that. I talk about that, like, on my personal channel. As far as, like, family members just being the way that they are. That they are. You think that it's only people that are outside your family, but then you learn like, oh, shoot, they're inside my family, you know, so it's. [00:02:04] Speaker D: It's. I believe in that saying. Sometimes families that. That blood thicker than water. [00:02:09] Speaker A: Like, yeah, it's like, you're raised like that right here. Like, dude, what's going on? [00:02:14] Speaker D: You know, I thought it was like. [00:02:15] Speaker A: This, but it's not. [00:02:16] Speaker D: You know, it's not and like I said, I've. I've. I've met so many people over the years that. That have to this day from 2010, that still support anything that I get involved in. And then everyone. So my whole goal was like, okay, if we sit there and we call Corpus Christi, you know, the City of Christ, but we need to act like it. We need to not just worry about the violence that happens here. That seems to be the main focus. So my whole thing was bringing the community together. Like, how can. What can we do? So I didn't even think that the movement would happen, you know, I mean, I was just like, I'm gonna try. That's all I can do is try. And I said, man, it was. It was a blessing in disguise because it just. It just happened, and it just kept going and going. And then, you know, got to the point where some of us real close friends started doing stuff for the homeless. We did a. One year. We even did a. Was a fundraiser for. For giving the homeless haircuts. Right? And we did, like, care packages for the women. You know, I mean, kids. There's. There's homeless kids out here. I mean, a lot of people don't. You know, they think it's just adults. You know, there's homeless kids out here, too. That. So it was just, you know, and everything just started playing. Then all of a sudden, year after year, it just got bigger. So when I started doing it, people was like, you know, like, hey, man, you know, I mean, we want to help you. We, you know, we want to pay you. And it was never anything about trying to make money off of it, whatever. Just wanted to bring a community together. Bring people together. [00:03:39] Speaker A: Yeah, because if we're. [00:03:39] Speaker D: Like I said, we're going to call Corpus Christi's the. The. You know, the City of Christ. We need to. We need to act like it, you know what I mean? And support. And I'll tell you what, man. I mean, like I said, I'm from Houston, Texas. I was born and raised in Houston. I'm Corpus. In 1995, you know, started my family here, and I've worked all across the United States in the oil and gas business. And I've never. I probably will never encounter another city when it comes to support. Community support. Yeah, that. That. That. That come together to make things happen. And when it does, man, it's just so beautiful, you know? I mean, because you see, you know, people from all. From. From everywhere. You know, I mean, you know, we've. We've done somewhere, you know, the mayor you know, shout out to, like, she's. She's helps out 100 I've done, you know, for the fire chief of Corpus, you know what I mean? Like, and they're just meeting people, and then when they ask me, like, well, Pete, how can we repay you? All right. Will you repay me by. When you see that we're getting ready to do something, you pay it forward. That's. That's how you keep the positive and you keep going. So when it gets put out there, people are like, oh, you know, Pete and his team are doing something. You know, I mean. Or Jenny's doing something, Megan's doing. Oh, you know, I mean, they know that. It's. It's solid. It's legit. There's no foul play of anything going on because we are about the community and making sure that we help out. [00:04:49] Speaker A: Right on, man. That's awesome. So. And so you guys. So y'all know Pete. How do you. How do you. How did y'all get introduced to Pete? [00:04:56] Speaker C: So I met Pete through a tragedy of. A friend of ours, reached out to him for Ariah Reese. She unfortunately lost her life through domestic violence. It's been 18 months now. And so Pete was. I don't know who reached out to Pete in order for the fundraiser. And so we just came together. I've known the family for 25 years, and that's how we met each other. [00:05:26] Speaker A: That's cool. [00:05:27] Speaker D: So. [00:05:27] Speaker A: And so your Irish, we're talking about earlier, before air, that it's a domestic violence situation and that it's not just among adults, it's among teenagers also. [00:05:39] Speaker B: Right. [00:05:39] Speaker A: I want to touch on that. [00:05:40] Speaker C: We do. So I had the opportunity to speak with her grandmother today, and I don't think enough people realize, you know, what is really going on amongst the teenagers right now. It's not like it was when we were growing up. Just. It's just a whole different, you know, ball game out there now. And so. And what happens, I believe, is that a lot of kids don't speak up, you know, so they're suffering silently as the family did not know, you know, the type of individual this person was that, you know, took her life. And so I think that that is so amongst a lot of teenagers right now that are suffering, you know, behind closed doors, you know, maybe just the fear of, you know, not wanting to put it out there. But Ariah is an example of, you know, she was a very, you know, bright, intelligent young girl, and, you know, to just lose her life so senselessly, you know, unfortunately. But through her life, we, we, we were able to come together, Pete, Megan and I, you know, and so to be able to shine that light still, you know, through her memory, you know, so she's still, you know, very much alive in everybody's hearts, you know, and even bringing us here together, it's. She's the one that brought us together. [00:06:56] Speaker A: So that's cool. Yeah. So, so do y'all think that it has an impact what y'all are doing, I guess, as far as bringing this to light, do you know what I'm saying? [00:07:06] Speaker B: We would hope so. [00:07:07] Speaker A: I mean, cool. And, and we were talking earlier before air. You have your, your music kind of touches on that stiff too, right? [00:07:15] Speaker B: Yes. Like domestic violence. [00:07:17] Speaker A: Yes, stuff like that. [00:07:18] Speaker D: I do. [00:07:19] Speaker A: Do you think it's, do y'all think it's prominent, like in our culture? You think it's in every culture? [00:07:25] Speaker B: I mean, I think it's in every culture. You know, there's a lot of women that just don't speak up. I have a lot of family members that till this day don't speak up. [00:07:37] Speaker A: You know, why we don't say nothing. You know what I mean? You know, that boggles my mind. Like either we say something and nobody listens. [00:07:43] Speaker B: It's a lot of manipulation. [00:07:44] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:07:45] Speaker B: You know, it's a lot of it is manipulated, you know, situations and things like that. Yeah. [00:07:50] Speaker A: What's going on? Mike and donald in the YouTube chat. Thanks a lot, you guys for joining. Thank you. Everybody on Tick Tock. Check it. Check out the live video on YouTube. Yeah, so, so let's see. So I guess we'll go through each one of y'all. So what was the turning point for you to engage deeply in community work? [00:08:11] Speaker C: Honestly, I've always done it as long as I can remember and, but I've always been behind the scenes. I'm just that type of person. I, you know, that I give, but you know, never in the forefront of any of anything. I'm the one who always helps orchestra, you know, put any, any and everything together, you know. And so I think, I think you're just born with it, you know, it's, it's not anything you could teach somebody. It's. You just have that heart. And so I can remember being a little girl and always having that, you know, desire, you know, to help. And so being able to meet like minded people such as Pete and Megan is just so beautiful because there's no questions asked, you know, you're just going to put the work in, you know, regardless of what it takes because we all have full time jobs, you know, we have. And so. But I don't think there's anything more rewarding in life than being able to give, you know, and help people that cannot help themselves at that time, at that very moment, you know, and unfortunately we meet families in the middle of a crisis and so to be able to provide that support because we're complete strangers, you know, and so it really, I think, helps to instill in people that they're still really good people in this world, you know, that we can come together. Because it's not just. You'd be surprised how many people are just behind the scenes that, that come through and help. You know, we've been very fortunate. Like Pete said, you know, he put something together, you know, and people are going to support, you know, we put it out there. People will support because they know the cause, you know, and, and the, the meaning that it is behind, you know, because you never know when it's going to be you or, you know, it could be your family that needs help, you know, so to be able to orchestrate such things as, you know, Pete does, the magnitude that it is, you know, it's just, it's just a really beautiful thing. So I, I believe that, you know, we're just born with it. Not everybody's born with that desire to help and that heart, you know, to give and just be selfless. Because that's really what it comes down to. Because there's, there's no, you know, exchange of money. You know, it's just pure heart and, you know, it's really what it is. [00:10:23] Speaker A: Right on, right on. And so I guess, how does your. So you guys are in the oil field, right? Y'all were mentioning that earlier. So how does your work in the oil field intersect with community service? [00:10:33] Speaker D: Well, it's, it's, it, it's deeply talked about in, in, in my neck of the woods, you know, I mean, I'm, I'm on the gas side of things and you know, I mean, so we have a lot of time where I sit, you know, because a lot of my co workers, they ask questions like ap, man, we're always, we're seeing you on tv, man. You're always, you know, you know, and then, you know, you know, they've seen the, you know, the wards that corpse Chrissy has given me. You know what I mean? [00:10:59] Speaker C: He's a k. The Kris Angel. [00:11:04] Speaker D: April last year, man, unexpectedly I got presented with the K6 Angel Angel. Nice. You know, which anybody who knows me will tell you. Like, I was one of the ones. Like, Jenny said that I was always behind the scenes until a few years back, this old lady that I met that showed up at a benefit and she's like, how come you don't ever do interviews? How come you never go on the news? I said, well, that's not what, that's not what I do this for. [00:11:27] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:11:27] Speaker D: She's like, well, you. Some of us don't have tick tock and Facebook and, you know, stuff like that. Some of us still watch tv. [00:11:33] Speaker A: Right. [00:11:34] Speaker D: When she said that, it. I was like, wow, she has a very valid point. So she's like, some of us like to help that don't have that type of access to social media. So I started, you know, getting more. And then just, just before the, the in April, when I got that award back in September, I got the Hispanic Heritage Award, you know what I mean? You know, for, you know, and they did that. And of course, you know, everybody knows I was the one that went out there to Ubaldi when, When everything happened. And so that's just kind of where things just started taking a bigger toll, you know what I mean? And like, you know, to the point where, you know, I used to do it all by myself and start. Until I started meeting people that had the same type of heart that I did, you know, because I said, you know, I work full time job, but if I say I'm gonna do something, I do it. No matter if I have to cancel something. If I said I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it. And anybody that knows, they know me, you know, we've been, the three of us have done where, you know, we've. We've had a very successful fundraiser. And the family's like, hey, this is for y'all. And like, we don't accept money at all. I'm saying, and we've done, we've done some pretty big, big, big, big, big fundraises where big money was, was raised. And the family's like, hey, this is for you. I'm like, how you pay me is when you see that we're gonna do something else. I don't care about a loaf of bread that's paying it forward. That's right, you paying homage. Like, hey, man, you know, these, this team of people helped me. Yeah, I want to help out now. And you know, like I said, you know, like, like right now, I told you, you know, I mean, I'm doing one. Like Jenny said just a while ago, you never know when you, when it's you that needs to help in as everybody that. That knows. Like, I'm actually doing one for my brother right now. [00:13:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:13:08] Speaker D: Who's been battling stage four colon cancer for four and a half years, you know, and we got the phone call that, you know, he doesn't have very much time, you know, so I'm like, you know, it's time for me to step up and for. For my little brother and make this. So when I reached out to Jenny, I reached out to Megan, they're like, in the whole community, because everybody that's. That's. That's showing up is just people that I've met along the way, the journey, you know, I mean, and they continue. They've been supporting me for years, you know, I mean, and it's just. It's a beautiful thing. So we talk about it a lot at work in oil and gas because they're, you know, that is your second brotherhood and sisterhood. Because we spend so much time together. [00:13:43] Speaker A: Right. [00:13:44] Speaker D: You know, I mean, so, you know, it gets talked about, you know, a lot. So it's a big thing, because even my company that I work for, when they see that I'm doing something, they. That ap. We hear you doing something like that. Hey, man, here's a monetary donation. Here's some, you know. You know, we want to buy this and this and that. So, Mike, the company I work for is very heavily involved in, you know, helping community and doing stuff like that as well. [00:14:03] Speaker A: Yeah, right on. So, like, there could be people out there that are like, yeah, they're doing this, all this stuff, but they're doing it because of this. They're trying to get something out of it. Right. How do you find yourself, like, dealing with that type of negativity from the community? [00:14:18] Speaker D: Well, so the good. The. The thing about that is that I can say for myself and maybe as well as Jenny, Megan, we haven't seen that type of negativity. We have. You know, I'm saying, like, because they know what type of person she is. They know what type of person she is. They know what type of person I am. You know, I mean, so it's never like, oh, they want something, you know what I'm saying? Because, you know, there's people watching right now that. That have supported us, that have tried to give us money. And I was just like, this is not what we do it. [00:14:44] Speaker A: Right, right, right. [00:14:45] Speaker D: I'm saying it's either like, like Jason said, it's either you have a heart for it or you don't. You know, what I'm saying, and not everybody has the same magnitude of a heart. You're saying to help, because like I said, I'll drop whatever if I say I'm going to do it. No matter if I was going to take my kids to Fiesta Texas, if I committed to something, I can't back out of it. And if. And if. If it's rare that I ever do. That's what the team's for, you know, because I can reach out to the team and they're like, we got you. You know, just help us put a plan it all together, put everybody in place. Pete and his team of guys that stick outside, these are the ladies and everybody else behind them that stay inside, putting everything together. So at one point, it was, you know, I mean, you know, it was. It was just me and my wife that was doing it by ourselves. And then when we just started picking people, they, you know, they started having the same heart. It was just like, oh, wow, you know, Megan, Megan and her family, her dad, her mom, brothers and sisters. They there, no questions at Jenny, she'll call, like, hey, people, what do you need? I'm born out of town, but here, you know what I'm saying? You know, I'll go do this, I'll go do that. So, you know, we. I haven't really encountered any type of negativity like that. They're like, oh, they're just doing it for Cloud, or they're. They're doing it because they want something. Like, I've. I can understand. I've never, never encountered anything like that because we're always like, you know, we did one for a good friend of ours that was the fire chief here that, you know, passed away a couple months ago. That was very, very dear to me and Megan. [00:16:04] Speaker A: Right. [00:16:04] Speaker D: You know, I mean, it was a big part of. Of some events that we did for him, and you know what I mean? And so it's not just the poor people that people say in the hood that, you know, don't have life insurance. I mean, this was a fire chief that has saved so many lives putting fires out. [00:16:21] Speaker A: Wow. [00:16:21] Speaker D: Do you know what I mean? Like, we had. When we did the fundraiser for him, we had people coming up, they're like, man, you know, Marx only saved my house 15 years ago. I mean, you know, we want to donate to him. We want to do this. And so that stuff like that, so that negative stuff, I mean, if. If it is out there, it doesn't come direct. [00:16:37] Speaker A: Right, right, right, right. How's it going, Francesca? Thank you. For joining the podcast Mama Daughter. [00:16:42] Speaker D: Hello. [00:16:43] Speaker A: Yeah, so it's mentioned, it's interesting you mentioned life insurance. Do you think that's something that, that our community doesn't know a lot about and maybe it's like we should know so bro, to be prepared, you know what I'm saying? [00:16:55] Speaker D: I just had this conversation last night because a good friend of mine works for New York Life, right? Been with him a long time. I got my insurance policies through him. And he said, pete, I'd like to go to, to one of your fundraising and benefits and talk to families. He says, I know not everybody's money's different. You know, I'm saying, you know, maybe you can't get a hundred thousand dollar insurance policy, but there's something that you can put in place for your family, right? And I thought it was a great idea. I was like, man, I said, because it's not always just about that, that insurance guy trying to make money off that. We need that, like, you know, I mean, we're not taught, right, you know, as Hispanics, Mexicans, to understand that. I didn't understand what life insurance was. And I'm 46 years old. It was, wasn't until like seven years ago when I really, I was like, oh, wow, we need that. Like, I mean, how do I, how do I prepare my family, how to prepare my kids, you know, you know, for generational wealth and, you know, stuff like that, you know, So I speak about it a lot because of, you know, you know, my friend, that, that, that, that I have done business with, you know, life insurance and stuff. And I try to educate people like, get it. I mean, some of the policies are $10 a month. I mean, even if it's, you know, just whatever you can do because you can't just think about yourself, right? You know what I'm saying? And that's one thing that I finally learned is understanding like now that I sat down with him and you know, he, he put stuff in perspective and not just being a salesman trying to sell me something, like he broke down on a personal level of things, right? That made sense to me, right? Because, you know, credit and life insurance is one thing that doesn't come in the Hispanic culture. I mean, our parents, my, my parents didn't know what that was, right. You know, they didn't know what credit was. So When I turned 18, I got my first target card for 500 bucks. I believe that I was like, oh yeah. Realizing that that was going to haunt me in the years. Right, right, right. [00:18:46] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly. [00:18:46] Speaker D: So now that I'm older, I'm like. Like, I. I cherish credit. Like, I take care of it. Like, it's, you know, you know, platinum. Like, I take very good care of it. So, you know, and. And I think, I mean, we need to shed light on that. We need to. Yeah, I mean, if you have it, you need to educate it onto your families and friends and people that, you know. I mean, if you can go buy a 12 pack of beer that cost 20 bucks, that's when the bucks can get you life insurance. [00:19:09] Speaker A: Yeah. And then there's. There's like. There's two. There's different camps, too. Like, do you do whole life? You do short term? You know what I mean? So there's so much different ones. [00:19:17] Speaker C: I mean, you know, I'm very educated and through New York life. I have a great agent. But, you know, the moment my kids are born, as soon as that Social Security number comes in, they're. They're insured because people don't realize that that is an easy way to set your kids up for the future, you know, so if you're investing, because it's an investment that we're putting into our children, you know, at birth and putting in, like, even $50 a month, you know, by the time they're 18 and you have a universal policy, you know, they're able to get 50, $80,000, you know, easy, you know, depending on the market. But I think it's just a lack of education, you know, not only in the Hispanic culture, but all the way around. Unfortunately, people are not educated enough to know, you know, how cost efficient life insurance is. And then it really saves the burden on the families because it is a huge burden when, you know, somebody passes and there is no life insurance. And so, yeah, I think it really needs to be shed the light on. [00:20:18] Speaker D: That, you know, and that was the biggest. So that was the other turning point of why I wanted to do this whole community thing years ago is because not everybody can afford life insurance. And it's not. No, no. Bad on them. You know what I mean? You know, people always like, oh, well, you know, they could have made better decisions. And you're right. I mean, that's. At the same time, you know, I mean, we're not here to pass judgment on how somebody's life is. I mean, if we're going to sit there, we're going to say that we're going to do community work. We're going to have. We're going to be there for the, you know, not just the Culture, just people, you know what I'm saying? Because we've done benefits for all cultures. All cultures across the board, right? You know, so that was the other down, the upside. It was like, okay, not everybody can afford life insurance. You know, they're trying. They, you know, they got jobs. They just cannot meet the means of paying 50 bucks a month or 20 bucks a month, because that 20 bucks to them is like giving away a million dollars. [00:21:08] Speaker A: Right, right, right. [00:21:08] Speaker D: You know what I'm saying? So that's just got me into just like, well, hey, you know what I mean? When the families, you know, they lose a loved one, kids, and I hate to say this, and they're. They. They both could contest to this, you know, I buried more kids than ever want to think about. Never want to think about, you know, from not just horrible dads, horrible mothers, I'm saying, you know, grandmothers, like, you know, from all across the walks of it, you know, I mean, so it's been. It's. It. It's an emotional thing that, you know, because we get attached. You know, we get attached to these families because, you know, they. They look at us like, you know, like, you guys saved my family. You saved us. And I'm like, you know, we just want to be there, you know, saying, you know, in this time and you shouldn't have to think about. No parent wants to bury a child. So when, you know, when you got somebody that's willing to do the right thing, you know, I mean, and help, that's a less burden and saying, you know, so you're not sitting there, you know, grieving and then trying to plan what kind of casket. Do we have enough money? Do we have this? And, you know, so it's. [00:22:06] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like when you have. When you have like a pot, like something in place to be able to pay for the death of a loved one, the. The family can have. Can grieve instead of worried about, like, oh, we gotta figure out how to pay for this, and then not. And then like, not even be in debt for the casket or the grave later on. You know what I mean? That's. So. I think that having. Having something in place for when that time comes is important for us, you know, and that's. That's one thing that I push. I. And. And I'm. I'm a. I'm a term life guy. I'm not a whole life guy because I think that whole life is. Is. It's worse than term. It's. It's not as good because they Take more of your money. You know what I mean? I don't think it's good. I like term. That's just my. My thing. But yeah, definitely. Even, like, even like the term. [00:22:55] Speaker C: If you get a term for 30 years and you surpassed it, and then now you can't qualify for insurance because. [00:23:00] Speaker A: Of health reasons, I mean, I. I mean, I don't know. Term life is better because I think that any, anything that's like, other than term, the first money that you put up front, it goes to the agent, it goes to them. And then when you die, say you do pass away or whatever, and then that, all that money that supposedly you're putting in a savings account, you. It's gone when that whole time, you could have put that extra money to like a 400 Roth IRA. And in that case, whenever you do pass away, that money goes to your kids. It doesn't go nowhere, you know, so if you have term, term is just. It's just basically it. It's going to replace your income when you're gone. So you. If you have 10 times of what you make, say $500,000 or whatever, you pass away. That money is supposed to replace your income for your. When you're gone. You know, your. Your kids and your wife, you're getting that. Whatever you made a year, you know, your family gets that while you're gone. That's basically what it's for. And I wouldn't use it as an investment vehicle because that's what you have, like a Roth, and you get to choose your investments in that. And I think that our culture needs that because, like, like you're saying, like, these benefits that you're putting on, you meet all kinds of people that don't know what's going on. And it's like, dude, man, I. And you want to do something about it, right? You're like, man, how do I get people to know this? Because when the time like this happens, families pass away or a little girl passes away, they're. They're covered. You know what I mean? That the family can grieve. They can pay for court fees or whatever they have to pay for from that, that, that monies. That's. That's what it's there for, I think, right? And like, we just, we just had a kid, too, and our kid is covered also with. On. Like, I don't think you were mentioning it, but get one for them, you know, they pass away. You know, at least they're. They're covered. If something passes away, it's just, it's just like, basically you're planning ahead. [00:25:03] Speaker C: Right? [00:25:03] Speaker A: We're planning ahead. And then another main thing too is like budgeting. Like, right. Nobody budgets. Like, it's an ugly word. It's like, like a bad word. But once you do that, once you do the budget, you're like, okay, now I see where my money is going. I see how much money I do have to be able to put to retirement, kids, college, you know, for short term savings or whatever you want to do with the money. So I just think being mindful of finances in our culture is important because we make money, a lot of money in a year. I mean, we're in the oil field, you know what I mean? We. We make enough money to be able to. To pay for our lifestyle now and to be able to pay for our kids lifestyle later. And we're just. And, and two, we get scared because it's like, we're, we're. We think the money is bad or we think that it's evil. [00:25:53] Speaker D: Oh. [00:25:54] Speaker A: If you know what I mean? Because we grew up in that culture. Like, oh, he's got a lot of money. [00:25:57] Speaker D: He. [00:25:58] Speaker A: He can pay for. You know what I mean? Just that mentality that people have that we have. You know what I mean? And I'm guilty of it too. It's just like, we have to be responsible with the things that we have. Responsible with the things that we're given. Yeah. So I won't. [00:26:11] Speaker D: Sorry. [00:26:11] Speaker A: Thanks for letting me talk about that. I'm real passionate about that stuff. So moving on to Big Bertha, who's your barbecue pit? And you got this during the Uvalde crisis? [00:26:21] Speaker D: Yeah, so I happen to be working. I was in Salmon, Idaho, working over there in a coal mine and didn't have very much service out there, so I hadn't really been on social media. So I'm come home after four months and, you know, people are calling me. They're like, hey, I know you're gonna go. I'm like, like, what are y'all talking about? Like, he heard. I'm like, heard what? Like, well, I haven't been on my, my social media account or Facebook or nothing. Did I get on Facebook and then call me back. So I get on there and of course I see the newsfeed, the flood. [00:26:54] Speaker A: Wow. [00:26:55] Speaker D: And I'm just like. I was like, what in the world? So I had a weekend planned for my daughter because I said I hadn't seen her in four months. So we were gonna go to San Antonio, Fiesta Texas. You know what I mean? The zoo it was a weekend dedicated to her. [00:27:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:27:11] Speaker D: So, you know, everybody's blowing me up. And I was just like, you know, we'll see. You know, I'm saying, let me. Well, when I was the next day, Mrs. Cooper, which is Mr. Cooper's wife, reached out to me about a barbecue pit that she had. And I had seen it on Market Squ. I was just like, it's, you know, it's a little out of my budget. You know what I mean? So I was like, she, she reached out and I was like, you know what? She's reaching out. Let me at least go see it. So I went to go see it and of course, man, it's every, any, any real barbecue guy you see pit like that. So when I see her, I'm just like, oh my God, how massive she is. Because I saw the pictures that she had on Marcus Square. I was like, damn, she's big. [00:27:51] Speaker A: Wow. [00:27:51] Speaker D: And then like I said, She's BTA's is that you have to see her to really acknowledge her mass. Right. She's 27ft long, she's 56 inch pipe. She's got eight doors and eight. [00:28:02] Speaker A: It's funny how you refer to it as like a lady, right? [00:28:07] Speaker D: But the thing is, like I said, you know, shout out to my brother Terry Amy, because he's the one that gave her the name. So he said, man, that's big birthday. [00:28:14] Speaker A: Let's run with it. [00:28:16] Speaker D: So we did. And you know, you know, I started. Started making phone calls. I made a post. The post went viral. As soon as I put it out there that, hey, I'm gonna go. Yeah, you know, I. I just backed up Bertha into the, into my house. [00:28:29] Speaker A: Wow. [00:28:30] Speaker D: And then I put it out there. Post went viral. I started getting calls from the, the home, the. The secretaries from Thomas J. Henry. Wow. Doctors, people. I mean, everywhere, they're like, hey, Pete, like, you got an open account at Sam's. Go get whatever you need. You got Open accounted at. @ HEB. Go get whatever you need. [00:28:48] Speaker A: Wow. [00:28:49] Speaker D: And so we ended up leaving the next. Well, let me back up a little bit. So when I put it all together, I was like, hey, I got a team. I'll send the team out there. They'll go do it. And then my, my daughter, which was. She was like seven at the time, she's like, no, dad, we got to go help the kids. So she chose not for me to take her to go, which was a weekend for her and was like, no, that we got to go help the kids. So that's How I know what I'm doing out here is impacting her because she's. I mean, they both know her. She's. She, she. She's over there right now helping. [00:29:23] Speaker B: She's packing up the onions and everything. [00:29:25] Speaker D: Right now, turning on the barbecue. So. So we did that and next thing you know, dude, like, we. I went with so many 16 foot trailers full of food. I was only supposed to go for one day. We ended up being there three days and cooked over 6, 000 late quarters. And then, you know, and it was just, like I said, it was a nightmare, man. Yeah, I mean, I, like I said, you know, I got to meet some of the families. I met the guy that killed the kid. That was very, you know, very, very touching for me because, wow, that man is going to be haunted for the rest of his life because he was an ex border patrol agent. He was getting a haircut when he found out. I mean, he was the one that ran, ran past all the police and he did what he did. Wow. So my thing was, I was just like, man, this, you know, you know, talking with him. He was just like, Pete, he's a, you know, I've seen a lot of stuff as a border patrol agent. You know, I've seen dead bodies, seen kids, you know. He said, but my training never prepared me for what I saw in that classroom. I'm saying, yeah. And he, you know, he just broke down, you know, and of course, I mean, I'm 46 years old now. Now I can cry. Before, you could have never caught me crying. You know what I mean? So, you know, we just said, well, we embraced and, you know, we talked and I met some of the families. And so we, I said, we went out there, man. I was, you know, it was always supposed to be one day, you know, I mean, and you know, me, my brother Terry. Amy. Shout out to Terry. Amy. And then my big brother, Earl Dotson. Earl Dotson played for the Green bay Packers for 10 years. Right. So he was, he was. He's a big inspiration on how that helps me behind the scenes of stuff, you know, but always a supporter. [00:30:58] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:59] Speaker D: He knows I'm a big cowboy fan, so we can't. [00:31:01] Speaker A: Come on. [00:31:01] Speaker D: Yeah, so we get into it a lot. But, you know, he, you know, no questions asked. We ended up, you know, helping out a lot of the families there. One, one family in particular, I ended up just kind of adopting like a big brother, you know, because one of the kids that found out ended up being like a hero and broke through the window and got his classmates out of the room before his room got shot up. So to this day I'm very close to them. I'm forever entitled to, to Valley. We ended up when they had their, their march three months later I went over there and cooked 3, 500 brisket and sausage tacos. And then I went for the one year anniversary and then I went for the second year anniversary. I didn't get to do this one, but I sent some guys out there to go. So every year like I'm. I'm dedicated to making sure that I go and I support whatever, whatever they got going in memory of the kids and the teachers that so. And then since then, like Bertha has just been on a mission. Like I mean, I mean every Saturday and Sunday. [00:31:59] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:32:00] Speaker D: Of all last year. Well, the past three years has been Bertha doing something, you know, so she's kind of made a name for herself. People stop when they see her. Normally you'll catch her on Sutherlands. That's usually what we do. A lot of Sutherlands. So when they see her, they're like, oh, Pete's over there. You know, they pull up and they don't even ask no questions. They just, they pull up and support. So she, you know what I mean? You know, shout out to Big Bertha. She's doing what she does. She's going to continue. You know, I mean I've been offered money for people to buy her. I just, I don't have the heart to do it because my whole goal was to have something that I can just always use for the community at all times. [00:32:34] Speaker A: Oh yeah. [00:32:34] Speaker D: You know what I'm saying? So she's, she's doing what she did and she don't, she hasn't let nobody down, man. She's, she's, she's a good girl. [00:32:42] Speaker A: So you had like a gofundme. Did it get fixed? [00:32:45] Speaker D: So we're still working, we're still working on, on, on, on getting her fixed. And I think maybe I kind of went a little too early because it was, you know, holidays and people, you know what I mean? So we're still, we're still working on getting her fixed. So she'll, she'll be ready to go here in the next couple months where she's going to be, you know, I mean like ready to, to rock roll and continue however many more years that she needs to be. Yeah. Going. But like I said, man, if y'all see her stuff, people, when, you know, I've taken her out of, I've taken her out of town and done, you know, I've done benefits out of town. You know what I mean? So, you know, people, they'll stop, hey, you might not take a picture. So people know her more than they know me because they see. Because I said, you see a big old bar, you don't just see something. You don't see something like Bertha just rolling around on a trailer. I'm saying, normally you. There's big pits here that people have, but they're stationary, right? And saying, you know, ber's on a, you know, two wheels, bro. She got a big old bell. So when the guy that put the. Mr. Cooper, when he put the bell, he put the bell for the kids. So when the food was ready, he let the kids ring the bell. [00:33:48] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [00:33:49] Speaker D: So when I got it, I was ready to take the bell off because it's annoying, but, you know, I knew. I knew what that bell meant to him to put for the kids. So. And my daughter said if I did that, she'll disown me. [00:33:59] Speaker B: So I don't know. [00:34:02] Speaker D: But, you know, I mean, you know, you know, you know, I could go on with a list of people that inspired me to do this. I mean, they know who they are. I don't have to mention them. But they've, you know, oh, just over years, have just, you know, put faith in me. That just built my confidence of just never wanting to tell somebody no. Like, especially when it came to kids. Like, I don't have a heart to tell the kid. No, I'm saying I just don't have it, you know, and so that's why when it's. Even when I, you know, I'm out of state, working, I mean, they call it, hey, I don't know how to do this. I'll say, oh, okay. Then I started group chat, Megan and Jenny, like, hey, girls, we gotta get, you know, time to work. You know what I mean? You know, and, you know, and they're there, you're saying, you know, you know, they're there no matter what, even if they can't be there present. They're helping me get donations. They're helping me, you know, I'm saying, doing stuff. So it's. It's just a circle, man. You know, I mean, it's just. We just always want to keep the positive just there. You know what I mean? And I've had people that, you know, 10 years ago that, you know, when we was going to clubs, I mean, we would have never interacted. [00:35:00] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:35:00] Speaker D: And now there's some of my biggest supporters and saying like, so it's just like, you know, we're grown now. I mean, some of us are pushing 50. We're almost 50. Like, I mean, let's, let's do something so the kids see the role, right? And so they were like, wow. So we've, we've had kids. I mean, her kids are very involved as well. They come. So I've had, you know, Carol kids from Carol High School king. They'll call because we do. For Carol High School, we, we help with their booster for their turkey leg sale, my birthday, goes out there and cooks for them. I mean, so. And then kids want to get involved and want to help, and that's our movement, right? That's what we want these kids to see. Like, no going out there and breaking into her house or breaking into her car and, you know, stuff like that. Like, you know, let's show them something. POS oh, yeah. They're only going to do what's in front of them, right? And you, you, you give any kid, if you don't have them, if you don't give them direction, they're going to run wild. So, you know what I mean? You know, I'm a father of five girls, you know what I mean? So I had to be extra tough, you know what I'm saying? You know, my oldest is 28. So, you know, I mean, I had to, I almost had to treat them like young boys, you know, to let them understand, like, you know, you know, you're not going to be like, right, these girls that you see out here doing, you know, stuff like, you know, so now my girls are heavily involved in. Yeah, you know, I mean, what we do in the community and helping, you know, stuff like that. You know, like I said, Megan's kids have hers, Jenny's, you know, baby will be there soon. [00:36:24] Speaker C: And that's the thing is, like, what Pete's saying, you know, kids are a product of their environment. And so unfortunately, some kids don't come from good environments, but for the ones that do, it's important that we instill that in our children to know that it's better to give than to receive. You know, so my, you know, on a personal level, you know, just my family, my son, you know, we do a lot of. For the homeless community, you know, and so every holiday we're out there, you know, Christmas, we're out there, you know, finding, you know, just. It's just a community that is forgotten a lot, you know, and. But I always, I have the heart for them because it's Somebody's sister, mother, brother, you know, so that's out there, just lost, you know, and so the kids see that, you know, and they. They end up developing that same. Those core value of the importance in life. And it's really not to attain things, but it's to give, you know, just to give and help others, you know, especially people who cannot help themselves or even give back, you know? And so our kids do emulate us. They really do. [00:37:28] Speaker A: Yeah. That's good. That's good stuff there. Certified elite. Thank you for joining the YouTube chat. Yeah, man, there's a lot of stuff. Good stuff y'all talked on. Like, you be like, your girl, your daughter, being involved in giving and helping support the community. That's. That's. That's good for them, I think, to. To build that muscle, you know what I mean? [00:37:47] Speaker D: Well, she. She. It's just like today, even your son. [00:37:50] Speaker A: Or your kids, you know? [00:37:51] Speaker D: Yeah. So, you know, another thing that she did, she knew that we were doing this for her uncle, so she's like, dad, can I sell popcorn and pickles on Saturday? I mean, if she sells 20 bucks worth, that. That's just something she feels. I did that for my uncle. Yeah. And, you know, and then now she's just like, well, dad, since you bought me my popcorn, I could do this for other. When you do benefits, I can have my little booth on. So now she's just. She's getting a taste of that, and it's just being instilled in her. And, you know, she's learning, you know, and now she's like, dad, we were just talking before we came over here. She's like, dad, like, when are we gonna do something for the homeless? Well, I know Jenny always does stuff. You know what I'm saying? Megan has done stuff, and I got other friends that have done stuff when, you know. So I'm like, okay, well, maybe the five or six of us need to get together and come up with a game plan. That. That. That way we could. Could. We could do something. That's. Because it is a lost community that people forget because they're like, oh, well, they're homeless because they chose to be. Maybe that's so. Yeah, maybe. Maybe so. I said, but they're still human beings. Is one of the things that my mom always said, is that, you know, and I feel like I got a lot of my wanting to help from my mom. My mom was a special needs teacher. [00:38:55] Speaker A: So you learned it from your parents. Like your. [00:38:57] Speaker D: So my mom. My mom was always my mom. Didn't care what you were. I mean, my mom lived on Mary Street. That's, you know, that's a high prostitute area. Yeah, my mom never judged them. My mom would barbecue outside and make sure they had a plate. If they needed women products, my mom gave it to them. So they took care of my mom through there, through. Through. Through marriage for a long time. So they never judged her. My mom was like, you don't judge them. That's somebody's daughter. You don't know what they're going through. It could be you one time. So we always just grew up with. My mom said that you don't judge somebody's downfall. You don't know what the. What they did to get there. You know, I mean, maybe they're trying to get out of it, maybe they're not, but. But they're not there to judge you just make sure. And my mom just always felt like you should never turn anybody away from a meal if you have it and you have the means to help somebody eat. [00:39:40] Speaker A: Yeah, let me. [00:39:41] Speaker D: Don't look at them and just watch and be like, oh, yeah, I'm eating a double meat. You know, I mean, oh, he should have listened in school. That's, that's. That's not the attitude to have, you know, because you don't know what it took for him to get to that point. You know what I mean? You know, maybe he lost his whole family and, you know, I mean, mental state of just, you know, I mean, I don't have nowhere to go, you know, I mean, sometimes talking with him, like, you. You learn a lot from them, you know, I've talked to some of them, you know, and I've tried to, you know, I got friends that own construction companies that. Hey, man, you know what I mean? You guys don't need a couple of, man. Just a couple guys right here, man. You know, you know, they want to work. [00:40:09] Speaker C: They're just workers, too, that you could pick up, you know, when they would be right there at the. At the where's the Lobes and Fishes. They had like, the ministry, the Metro Ministries, and they would, you know, you could pick some up. Those are like the hardest workers I think I've ever hired to do any kind of work. And, you know, it's really amazing that, you know, a lot of people, there's just the stigma, you know, around that, but how much they actually take care of each other because, you know, or like, they know, like, they'd see me pulling up every Sunday. So it's funny because I started Feeding the homeless this way, you know, I, I would buy meal preps, like expensive meal preps. And then I'm like, okay, I'm not going to follow this diet. And so the food would be there right in my fridge. I'm like, why can't let this food go to waste? So I warm it up and go feed. And then I had the opportunity to meet the owner of La Playa on Saratoga, and he would give me all the leftovers at the end of the night. And so I would just go out there personally, you know, and. And go and feed, you know, and so just kind of go from there. But they take care of each other, you know, they're like, hey, my friend is down there, you know, I mean, can you please give me a plate for them? Or, you know, and so it, it's, it's. It's a good thing, honestly. [00:41:20] Speaker B: And that's what we do, actually. After every benefit that we have any leftovers, that we have leftover burgers, brisket, whatever we have, we start making plates. [00:41:30] Speaker D: If nobody takes anything, like, we'll always be like, hey, Jenny, you need some for the family? [00:41:34] Speaker B: Whatever, man. [00:41:35] Speaker D: Let's just make sandwiches. [00:41:36] Speaker B: To make sandwiches. And that's the first thing we do. We load them all up until the trucks and we go all downtown around town, especially Ayers. There's a lot down airs going down that way. And it's like she said, they're. They're already waiting. They're like, well, my friend's right there. Can. I'm gonna. Can you give them one, too? We're like, yeah, yeah, tell them to come by, you know. [00:41:54] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:41:54] Speaker B: And so that's. I really, I, I really feel for the homeless people, you know what I mean? And we do eventually need to plan something all together and do something big for them as well, you know, we do a lot for. [00:42:07] Speaker D: Well, it's just like, you know, like I said, like, I, I've been in a lot of states, cities all across the world. I've never seen anything how people come together. Like corporates, man. Like, it's. You know what I mean? Like, it's, it's. It's amazing just to see that people don't even know each other. I mean, and if you did, you know, maybe you had beef with that person 10 years ago, but just the fact that we can all come together right here, we can cook, we're sitting there next to each other making sandwiches, planning all this stuff like that. And then at the end of everything, like, April, appreciate that, man. You know, the embracing, you know, I mean, and it's just like. It's crazy, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's really. You have to be there, powerful. [00:42:44] Speaker A: Like, that community is powerful. [00:42:45] Speaker D: You. You have to be there seeing it so that you can understand that. Like, wow, okay, I see. I see the. The. The. [00:42:52] Speaker B: The unity. [00:42:54] Speaker D: The unity of. Of what community is supposed to stand for, you know, saying, like, it's supposed to stand. You know, we all come together and, you know, make something beautiful without listening to the news media and seeing all the hate, you know, the, you know, people getting killed and, you know, senseless acts of violence. And I said, you know, she. She brought up the. These young kids, you know, I mean, they're. They're going through domestic violence, and it's being overlooked. You know what I mean? [00:43:17] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, for sure. Definitely. Yeah, man. That's a lot of stuff. Whenever I like, it makes me think about, like, doing something for somebody else. I always, like, look at it from a lens of, like, how can I help that person to where they can't help me in that way? You know what I'm saying? [00:43:33] Speaker D: You want to know? There's one celebrity, bro, and when I say his name, you're going to be like, oh, I see them. There's one. There's one celebrity that. That I learned something from, like, 12 years ago. And when he said that, it just made the perfect sense of why I started, you know, Shaquille O'Neal, when he said there, he says every day he wakes up, he blesses somebody, he'll go to Walmart. If he sees kids like that, he buys them whatever they want. And not because he's trying to. Like, anybody that's followed him knows that that's just his character. Like, he genuinely loves. Loves to help kids. So when he said that like that, when. When I heard him say that 12 years ago, you know, 14, I was like, wow. I mean, even if it's just one person, you know, you just bought somebody a meal. [00:44:12] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:44:12] Speaker D: Not because you want to be there on the ground like, oh, look what I did for this person. No, just. Just genuinely doing it. I mean, that's. That 10. 10 times fold, you know what I mean? Where, you know, you know, you. You get your blessings from it. You know what I mean? Without. Without thinking that, oh, you know, I'm gonna get something in return. We've all been. I mean, you know, where we've had families like, hey, Pete, you know, you know, here's $3,000, man. We raised a lot. Like, I Don't need your money. And this is, you know, stay tuned for. [00:44:39] Speaker B: It's a different feeling when you do it, you know, And. And like, every time I've done these, I could. I could be having the worst week ever, you know, And. And not feeling well. I have my own health issues, you know, and one thing I hear all the time from my family and my friends are like, girl, I don't know how you do it. How do you have the energy? I don't have the energy, by the way. So it's just one of those things that. It's something that, you know, it's like all my pain, all the work, they go away because I'm helping this family at this time. And it's like I put all my stuff aside because in this moment, that's what's making me feel full. You know what I mean? And. And it's something that I. I'll continue to do over and over and over again. It makes me. It fulfills me, you know? [00:45:26] Speaker A: You ever get to the point where you're. Where it's like, okay, yeah, that's good. You do that. Do you ever get to the point where it's like, okay, I need to chill for a minute, because, you know. [00:45:35] Speaker B: No, no, I mean, a lot. Yeah, we get asked that a lot. But you know what? [00:45:40] Speaker D: Because. [00:45:40] Speaker A: Because you can get to the point where it's like, wait, I'm not even focused. I haven't even focused on my. You know what I'm saying? [00:45:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:45:45] Speaker A: Like, to the point where you're like, oh. [00:45:47] Speaker B: And that's what I'm saying, literally, because they all. They know what I go through on a daily or anything, right? And so they freak out, my friends, especially my neighbors, like, girl, I see you on the go, like, I don't know how you do it. I don't even know how I do it, you know, but, you know, I tell them it's because I'm doing for somebody else. And. And I feel like when I'm doing for others, it's like, all my. It's like, I can wait. [00:46:14] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:46:15] Speaker C: You know? [00:46:15] Speaker B: But I'm here, I'm present for them, you know, And I. Like, I said, I'll do it over and over again until I can't walk anymore, you know what I mean? And there's a lot of times I'm in pain out there, but I'm still doing it. [00:46:27] Speaker C: I'm like. [00:46:28] Speaker D: Took a lot to it one day, you know what I mean? And some of my family, they're like, you'll stop eventually. I was like. I said, I'm gonna tell you what I tell people when they tell me, like, bro, are you ever gonna rest? I said, I rest when the good Lord takes me. [00:46:40] Speaker C: It's just something so empowering. Honestly. I've had, you know, the opportunity to do a lot of great things in life. [00:46:47] Speaker B: Yes. [00:46:48] Speaker C: You know, and. And to experience a lot of things, thank God. But nothing comes close to that feeling of being able to just be present for people, you know, and just really loving on people right where they're at. Again, we. We encounter people usually at their lowest point, you know, and so to be able just to be that person for them, you know, it's just such a beautiful thing. I can't even describe that over. I'm always so emotional, you know, when. When it comes to that. Like a big crybaby, you know, like, literally. Because even during. Oh, yeah. You know, it's just something that. It's just in you. [00:47:27] Speaker A: It's a lifestyle. I mean, you develop a lifestyle, and it's like. Like you want to keep doing it. [00:47:32] Speaker B: For somebody, part of your life. [00:47:33] Speaker A: It's part of who you are. [00:47:34] Speaker D: Well, I always tell people, this is one of the things that I said when the. When they had gave me the Hispanic Heritage Award. So when they're interviewing me, they're, you know, the guy tells me. He's like, what. What. What keeps you saying yes? So there's only one thing that keeps me saying yes. This man upstairs. I said, so when. When. When I encounter a family, it's almost like a text message. Like, I feel like he said, okay, I just showed you what's out there. What are you gonna do? And one thing you don't do is deny the man upstairs. Right? Because you can give. You can be denied your access to the pearly gate. So I always look at it like, okay, I'm. This person crossed my path. He got sent here for a reason. So who am I to tell him that, bro, I can't do it. So it took my family, even. Even my daughters, because they were like, dad, you never spent time with us. And you gotta understand. You gotta understand what I'm trying to stand for. And saying once you do that, that then you'd be like, okay, now I understand why dad's doing this. And now they do. Like, they completely understand. So now. Now their involvement is. Is coming in now. So they're like, well, you know, if that stands up for it, like, we're gonna stand up for it too. [00:48:40] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:48:40] Speaker D: So that's what I Said is just in, you know, empowering your children to do the right thing and show them, like, you know, you don't just have to be. Because how much time do we really spend when we're just at the house and we're just like, we're not doing nothing there, man, look at that. You can go help somebody. Yeah. I'm saying, you sit there, you go help somebody. Like, you know, and that's why I said, Shaquille O'Neal, when he said that, it just, like, it hit me hard because he's like, he goes, every day I wake up, I have to bless somebody. It doesn't have to be, you know, giving them a hundred thousand dollars. But, you know, that kid right there, you see that kid? He's looking at a bike. He probably never had a bike in his life. Giving that kid that bike, you know, will. Will. Will spark something. You know, Tupac said it, don't worry, Jim. I may not be the. The. The brain that. That changes the world, but I might be able to spark somebody that. That could change the world. And that. That's. Those are empowering. See? [00:49:27] Speaker A: And I don't think you have to have money to do that either. Like, that's what I'm saying. Like. Like, I look at it like, okay, how can I bless this person to where they can't give it back to me? Like, they can't, like, say it's an old person trying to lift up something heavy. I'm a young person. I can do it for them. They may be able to. You know what I mean? But you know what I'm saying? So it doesn't have. You don't have to do it with. You don't have to have money to be able to. [00:49:50] Speaker C: Just your time, honestly, even if you had, you know, time, and. And it's the power of social media now, you know, even if you can't give, you know, and any. Because there's a lot of people, you know, going through it. Right? Just come out, just share. Even if you share, you know, the post, it really goes a long way. The social media, you know, is. The platforms, if we use them correctly, it's. It's a great thing, you know? It is. It really is. You know, and so people that can destroy you. Yeah, it really can't, bro. [00:50:20] Speaker A: That's the thing. Something that's good, like, it can become bad. [00:50:23] Speaker D: Yeah, well, it's just like a buddy of mine, you know. You know, and one thing that I've always felt that corpus lacks is small businesses uniting because they're always hating on each other. Oh, well, he. He started this. He knew how I started that, doing that. Five years ago, I saw this meme on Facebook one time, right? Is that when you go down a bread aisle, how many bread companies do you see, right? See a lot. They see some of them from 25 cents a loaf, $3 a loaf, $6 a loaf, and they're all making money. So why would you take the time of day to sit there and hate on somebody? I said, you didn't invent anything. I don't think anybody said that. Oh, I invented that. No, you didn't. You took an idea from somebody else and you tweaked it. [00:51:07] Speaker A: Do you think that. You think it's because we have, like, a sort of a small city or small community? [00:51:12] Speaker D: Absolutely. [00:51:13] Speaker A: So everybody's fighting for. Fighting for the money, basically, that they can make. [00:51:16] Speaker D: Like I always told some of my friends, I was like, like, do you serve all 300,000 people that live in Corpus? No. So why are you going to hate on the person that's trying to do the same thing you're doing? If you're that offended, then step your game up. Step your game up and be like, okay, how can I be better? Because at the end of the day, business is a competition. I have to be better than anybody else so that my business succeeds. [00:51:36] Speaker A: Right? [00:51:37] Speaker D: So. And that goes for the food industry, oil and gas industry, Right? You know, podcasting, like, everything. Like, what's going to make. [00:51:43] Speaker C: What sets you apart? [00:51:44] Speaker D: Yeah. What's going to set you different? That's gonna be like, man, I like these other podcasts. I want to go over there. This dude, the way he touches on subjects, nobody brings the type energy does, you know, and that's. That's across the board. You know, I'm saying, from corporate level to the smallest people, right? I'm saying, like, you know, what sets you apart? That people are going to want to pay attention. [00:52:02] Speaker A: Right. [00:52:03] Speaker D: And I feel like, you know, with. With Corpus is just like, you know, everybody's wanting to do the same thing and do it alike instead of trying to be different and, you know, and not worry about how he's, you know, service, you know, servicing, you know, 10,000 people. Well, figure out how you can get 20,000 people take that energy over there and not worry about him. Let him or her do her thing, and you elevate, you know, elevate yourself. Right? Right. [00:52:31] Speaker A: Yeah. So basically. So you're saying, like, basically, just. Just let them do them. You go, do you, baby, There's A. [00:52:36] Speaker D: Lot of good people here, man. Like. [00:52:37] Speaker C: Well, not only that. Well, I think, see, I have a different stance on that because, you know, I mean, we've been in business 26 years, right. So, and so other companies that do what I do, transportation, right. You know, it's. So it becomes to me there's no competition because the only thing I'm trying to do is improve my own process. Right. My own organization and improving that way. So for me, I like to lock arms with like minded companies, with companies that do what I do especially, you know, so I'm in the transportation business, you know, and so the people who haul for the same company I haul for, I personally make it a point to befriend them because we're in the same industry. We're all trying to just make a living. And so we lock arms. That means that we could share off of each other what's working for you, what's not working for you. Hey, what about new policies and procedures? You know, with everything changing, you know, with DOT all the time, you know, it's important that we stay abreast of all the new laws. Well, you know what, you would have to really sit there all day. But if you have, you know, your resources with the other companies, you know, then, then you can, you know, just unite. But a lot of people have that mentality of it's a competition thing. There's enough for everybody to go around. There literally is. You have to be on that level. [00:54:01] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:54:02] Speaker C: So when you realize where somebody's coming from, if they, they, you know, you could take it like, oh, well, they're hating or you know, but really it's because sometimes people come from nothing and build, you know, and they put everything into it. And so they may see it as a competition only because, you know, they've, they've pulled themselves out of a grave, you know, But I think if we are just more educated and mature, for lack of a better word, you know, to say like, no, you're not my competition, we're in the same industry, but let's help, help, let's help one another, you know, and not everybody has that attitude, but I do. [00:54:37] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:54:38] Speaker C: You know, because that's the only way you succeed and grow. [00:54:40] Speaker D: I always said the, the toughest business to deal with people who hate is food business. It's very hard because, yeah, I've heard some stories and I don't never comment on other people's stuff that they do. Whether they have issues with somebody. When they ask me, I don't even go Go. I mean, you can go on my social media. And I've never like, bashed a place because of bad business. Right. So I always say it like this. I'll go eat anywhere and I don't mind paying whatever it cost. First time I go eat. Maybe you just had a bad day, you know what I'm saying? I'll give it a second try. There's no third chance with me because I'm like, okay, so it's already twice. I'm just not going to keep donating to you. But I'm not going to go on social media, be like, oh, don't ever go eat at their channel. Try. [00:55:26] Speaker A: Right. [00:55:27] Speaker D: Because at the end of the day, there are small businesses trying to make a living for themselves. So. But if you came and asked me, ap, what do you think about so and so? I'll never eat there. And if you ask me, I'm gonna tell you why. My experience. [00:55:36] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:55:37] Speaker D: Now you probably could have gone and be like, man, it was the best I ever had. Well, your pallets aren't my, my. So I went three times. Twice. I won't go donate a third time. I just not gonna go and bash them. Yeah. You know, at their lowest, because maybe they went through something. It just, it. Because food, you have to be consistent for seven days. You can't be different on Sunday. And you were, you know, I'm saying you decided to be one way Monday through Saturday. You're like, oh, let me change something up on Sunday. People that know food and be like, you did something different and it's not good. So guess what happened. It's not like a corporate, like, how many times have we all complained about McDonald's, go and leave something like, I'm gonna play chat. Guess what? Two days later you're back at McDonald's. But that's a corporate level. They can take those type of hits. [00:56:18] Speaker A: Right, Right. [00:56:18] Speaker D: A small business came. So when you go and you, you, you, you, you insult the place for them trying to make something that, that, that tarnishes them. Because I said social media will destroy them. Yeah. You know, they, you can go destroy McDonald's, they're still going to make a billion dollars and you're still going to go back in three or four days and go get you some chicken nuggets. But if you go and you bash a local sandwich store, you know, barbecue store, whatever, like that, that, that's devastating you. It is a small, you know, I mean, you don't know what they're. What, you know, I mean, you know, they could have been in business for 25 years but barely making it, you know what I mean? But, you know, it's still. That's still their business. So I always, you know, I mean, you know, people call me all the time, like, hey, Pete, you know, I mean, you know, you're. You're real big up into the barbecue world, man. What's your tip on this? I said, look, I can only tell you what works for me. You know what I'm saying? That's it. And I'm not gonna ever tell you that. Oh, I invented this. No, I did. What? I took a formula from somebody else house and twisted my own and created something that I felt that works for Pete. That's how Pete cooks. [00:57:16] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:57:17] Speaker D: You know what I mean? [00:57:17] Speaker A: Yeah. So you're like the. They're like a brand, basically, right? Yeah. For food or whatever. [00:57:23] Speaker D: I was telling people when they're like, well, I created. I said, so did you make the salt? Did you make the pepper? Did you grow your own foods? Did you make your own bread? Did you kill your own cow? Did you do all this stuff then? No. Then it's. It's not yours. It's not yours. You know what I'm saying? You took a brand from somebody else, and you twisted yours, and you created something that works for you, which is. There's nothing wrong with that. Everybody in this world takes from somebody, you know what I'm saying? You know, because people can sit there like, oh, you know, go back to the first person, whoever created the podcast, and so now you're going to bash everybody that started the pocket, Right? Exactly. No, because, you know what I'm saying, You know, everybody's different. [00:57:59] Speaker A: It's, like, negative. That's negative energy, man. [00:58:01] Speaker D: It's just. And it's just. [00:58:04] Speaker A: D. Jolie Poncemons, thanks for joining the chat. And YouTube. [00:58:09] Speaker D: You know, I mean, it's just, you know, something. [00:58:10] Speaker A: Negative energy. [00:58:11] Speaker D: Yeah. I mean, there's no need for it. We're getting older. We're not younger. We're. We're. When we were younger, we gravitated to the negativity. Now I'm like, I don't even. Like, you know, I mean, like, so what. [00:58:25] Speaker A: Like, what caused y'all to change? Was it a certain moment in your life, or did you just, like, Like. Like, how did you become to, like. I don't want to. I want to be like this now instead of like this. You know what I mean? [00:58:36] Speaker D: I. What they say, right? The older you get, the wiser you get. [00:58:39] Speaker A: Right? [00:58:39] Speaker D: I'm saying, that's, that's been the same thing. I remember my dad telling me, like, said, when you get older, you'll get wiser. Right now you're just K. And it's true, right? Saying, cuz when you, when you get older, you know, like, I couldn't tell you the last time I've been to a club, a bar. I. I just don't go. You know what I'm saying? I did that, that you. I mean, you know, I went to all these crazy bars when we used to come up and down People street and all up in the 90s, you know, I mean, the early 2000s. But it's just, you know, it's not the same, you know, I mean, you got these, you. I mean, you got these young people that just don't know how to act anymore. And so it makes you almost feel uncomfortable to even go and have a good time or take your family out and do something like, you know, I mean, it's not, it's just not worth it anymore, you know, I mean, so my turning point was just, how can Pete be a better person? How can I. How can I elevate myself that way that if somebody sees me, they'll be like, man, Pete, you know, I mean, I was walking the same path you were walking and man, and I saw what you did. So if it worked for you, I want to see if it works for me. Oh, well, come on, bro, join the team. [00:59:37] Speaker A: Come on, let's do influence. [00:59:40] Speaker D: Let's, let's, let's. Let's change together. You know what I'm saying? Like, instead of pushing you away and maybe you're going through something, you know what I'm saying, that could lead to something bad. Why don't you come over, man? Let's talk. I'm saying, you know, and I'll tell you, I've cried with more men than I've ever cried in my life. You're saying. Because at one point I just had this mentality like, oh, man, I don't want everybody to see me cry, right? And you know, this now I got guys, I got men that they'll call me like, man, bro. I'm just, I'm going through what's up, Pull up. Let's talk about it. I mean, you know, you want to cry? It's cry. [01:00:09] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:00:09] Speaker D: I'm saying, you know, because that's a. [01:00:11] Speaker A: Prideless thing, like being able to talk. [01:00:13] Speaker D: And I was any, any real man that can sit and say, oh, I was never practiced. He's a lot. Because we all, we've all held this, oh, I got too much pride to ask for help or do this. If, if I feel like I'm at that place. I think I know enough people that if I had to make that I could do it without being judged. I mean. [01:00:32] Speaker C: Yeah, well, I think that's the thing what I said before, you know, it's hard for people just to be transparent and just to be authentic simply also, you know, so we said social media is a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. I think there's a lot of influence on certain way that people, they have to be. And so I believe that wholeheartedly, you know, that it really can go either way. And sometimes it does put a really negative effect to where people feel like they suffer in silence for the fear of being judged or rejected, you know. And so a lot of, you know, I read this quote that says we all have chapters in our lives that we don't like to read out loud. And that, that kind of it. It bothered me for the fact that, well, why don't we read those chapters out loud? Because the fear of being judged, you know, that we go through life, but life happens, you know, it's not always peaches and cream, you know, and, and for us to be vulnerable enough to share that, I believe that's where healing takes place for other like, you know, for people going through the same thing to know, like, oh, wow, you're going through it too. [01:01:44] Speaker A: Not only that, like say, say sometimes you, that person betrays you, you know what I'm saying? So maybe we don't know who to trust to be able to talk to about it. That's another thing too, that, and then social media, like you got people looking a certain way, they, they have it all together or whatever. And then you try to talk to them and you don't know if that person is going to, you know, be genuine. [01:02:07] Speaker C: Yeah. And care. Yeah. Because there's a lot of people who don't care or respect. But then there's a lot of people that, that, you know, genuinely do. [01:02:14] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. I'm just saying that that could be a reason. That could be like a reason. [01:02:17] Speaker C: Yeah, for sure. For sure. [01:02:19] Speaker A: That's awesome. Yeah. This is cool. This is a cool conversation. I'm glad there's people like you in the city. You know what I mean? Cuz there's a lot of negativity in, in our city and even people from outside the city that see it and they're like, oh, you're from Corpus. That's like a crappy place to be or whatever, you know? Yeah, definitely. So just to know that this is here and that hopefully people can watch and be like, oh, this is out there, you know, instead of just, just bad stuff that's out there and just you being an influence to your kids and just all the stuff you're talking about, it makes me think about. And I touch on this every now and then. Like about the importance of fathers in the community. You know what I mean? Having a father around, that can play a big, huge. I can have a huge impact in our society, in our community. [01:03:03] Speaker D: Well, I would say it like this, right? I mean, a father is just as good as a mother. Like you need. Need both. Like, you know what I'm saying? Because I said I got five girls and I don't think I could have excelled with them without their mother's present. Right. You know, because it's just like a young boy. I mean, a woman can't, A woman can't raise a man to teach him how to be a man. He's. There has to be some type of, right, father figure, something to. To teach him how to be a man, you know, Just like I, I mean, I didn't know what to do with my girls, you know, I mean, and teaching them how to be a woman, I didn't know, right? Because I grew up in the sense that like, moms take care of girls, dads take care of boys, you know what I'm saying? So, you know, it was, it was hard for me, you know what I mean? And I just, you know, it, it. I learned in even doing this community work, man made me be a better father. It opened up my eyes to see a lot, right? Because at any given moment, as many kids that I, I've had to bury, at any moment it could be one of my kids, I'm saying, just going to the grocery store. It doesn't have to be that they're going through any type of domestic violence. Should be going to the grocery store, I'm saying, you know, and you know, get t boned or you know, get caught in crossfire, road rage or whatever, you know. [01:04:19] Speaker A: Yeah, for sure. Yeah, that's. That's awesome point that you guys bring up. We got an hour for. So let me see. I. I lost track where I was at here. This is a good conversation. Let's see personal challenges share personal story of overcoming adventures diversity. Talking about personal challenges and personal challenges and resilience. I guess we shared about that stuff already. Kind of. It's awesome. Looking forward, future plans. What's one thing you're looking forward to this year, man? [01:04:47] Speaker D: Just. Just keep the positive going. Keep the. I mean, it is something we all three talk about a lot. It's just, you know, keeping the same regimen of. Of. Of knowing that the community can. [01:05:00] Speaker A: Can trust us, can actually come together. [01:05:02] Speaker D: And come together, and, you know, there's. There's no negativity. You know what I mean? You know, the. It's just a beautiful thing, man. And it's one of the things that you. You have to show up at one of the events when you look at it. And I always tell people, I said, when you. When. When you come there, don't walk up. Just sit back and just look. Just. Just. Just look at everything and just see, you know, I mean, like, you know, what. What. What do you see when you walk up to, you know, a benefit that's, you know, for whatever reason, it's, you know, we're doing whatever. And. And tell me how you feel after you walk away from that. Because I tell you what, what I do. I do this when we got everything going good and, you know, even when we're practicing, I just step back and I look and I'm just like, man, this is beautiful. Like, wow. Like, you know, and then I look, I was like, man, we created this. Like, we brought all these. This many people together that probably hate each other. You know what I'm saying? But, you know, you see the embracing, you see the hugging, you know, conversations. You know what I mean? And then with those conversations, we're hearing that, like, hey, you. You know, I didn't want to tell you, but, you know, you know, to lose my mom. And then it's a conversation, you know what I'm saying? And then it's like, hey, you know, do you think I'm like, bro, yeah, I got a team of people. Come on, let's make it happen. Or, you know, you know, my daughter's going through, you know, I mean, you know, leukemia. She's going through loop. Like, all kinds of. I'm. I get calls. [01:06:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:06:20] Speaker D: Daily messages, like, just crazy. Crazy for, you know, you know, and we try to make it. We try to make it for, you know, I mean, you know, everybody, you know, I mean, but at the day, there's only. There's only one day. There's a. You know, there's only two days in a weekend that you can do things when you got, like, 30 people. And I hate to say sometimes you have, you know, we're getting to the Point where it's just like, okay, how are we going to do this? Because they're all critical. You mean, like, it's all critical. We don't want to tell anybody. What do you mean? [01:06:48] Speaker A: What do you mean? [01:06:49] Speaker D: So, like this, you know, let's just say hypothetically, like right now I'm talking to you right now. There's a listener that's listening and it just reaches out to me. Me with, hey, December 25th, I want to do you know what I'm saying? You know, my wife, we're in the same conversation. Somebody messages her and tells her the same thing. Hey, I got something for 25th. Then it's happened, and it's happened where we're all like, okay, so what do we do? [01:07:12] Speaker B: So we usually will split. [01:07:14] Speaker D: No, we've had to. And I've done this where I've done and cooked for three benefits at one time. Oh, well. And I've had like five barbecue pits plus versa out there. There. Because I gave my word that we're going to do it. So they're like, why you guys? I said, well, that's for a benefit that's on the other side of Corpus. So birthday for here, Turkey Lakes for Carol. Like that, where, you know, we've done three benefits at one time. And you know, and it goes back to like, if you don't have the heart for it, it's going to eat you alive. You're going to be like, this is too much. It's. It's breaking me. Okay, well, you want you to take a step back. I'm saying, and, and, and get. Compose yourself. I said, because I could do this all day long. [01:07:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:07:54] Speaker D: Like, I've, I've trained myself now. And I was like that in the beginning. Like, I was stressed out. Like, oh, my God. Because people always tell you, hey, Pete, I'm gonna pull up. I'll help you. The time comes, nobody shows up. You know, I mean, and now it's just like a few times now. Now, now we get. I don't want to say too much help, because there's no such thing as too much help. But next, you know, but now we can, we can breathe, take a little break. [01:08:16] Speaker A: Is it because you, like, you made a name for yourself up to that point? Then they're like, ok, think that's possibly. [01:08:21] Speaker C: What it is, because it's also the people that want to just, they just pay, pay it forward, you know, that come and they just want like, like. [01:08:29] Speaker D: Like arise that there's not a day that he sees that I Post something that I'm gonna do something that he doesn't call me. Hey, what do you need? I'm saying, the grandmother. Hey, Pete, what do you need? [01:08:39] Speaker A: Wow. [01:08:39] Speaker D: I'm saying, you know, and then for. [01:08:41] Speaker B: Mark Solis, the firefighter. [01:08:43] Speaker D: Firefighter that we did, you know, they just call, and it's just like, man, it's. It's. [01:08:49] Speaker B: Or you would. [01:08:50] Speaker D: I love it, you know, I mean, like. Like, I. I love. Warms my heart, you know, I mean that, you know, people feel safe knowing that there's people that are really doing positive things. I mean, and we stick to it. So it's not like we do it good on this month, and we do it like we're consistent on how we organize. You know, people think like, oh, it can't be that hard to organize. I was gonna want to let me know how it works. [01:09:13] Speaker C: Oh, yeah. [01:09:14] Speaker D: Stressful. [01:09:15] Speaker C: A lot of moving. [01:09:16] Speaker D: It's very stressful. So we got to where, you know, we let the women inside and the men stay outside with the bar. We don't. Even before. Before Megan and everybody would come up like it was. It was me having to be inside, making sure everything's being done right. [01:09:30] Speaker B: Here, you got this. [01:09:31] Speaker D: So now I pawn it all up on all the women. It's like the kitchen, right? You don't get in the woman's kitchen when they get. When they're cooking. [01:09:39] Speaker B: When he does, we tell him to get out. [01:09:41] Speaker D: I'm out here, barber. Y'all tell me what I mean, you know, when it's time to make some more sausage or some more pork or cut some briskets or whatever. You know what I mean? So. Yeah. [01:09:48] Speaker C: And so going back to Araya, I wanted to say. So it's Jimmy's birthday tomorrow. Ariah's dad. Okay, so shout out to Jimmy Happy birthday to him. He really is. And so this was his only child. Yeah. And so tomorrow I'm, you know, our hearts will be with him. You know, thoughts and. Yeah, so. [01:10:15] Speaker D: Oh, DJ. Nice. [01:10:19] Speaker A: Yeah, thanks a lot, DJ Certified Elite. Yeah, we mentioned Pete's GoFundMe earlier, so do you have a page for that still? [01:10:25] Speaker D: Yeah, yeah, it's still open. [01:10:27] Speaker A: Okay, where do we. Where can we find the page? Is it's on your personal page or. [01:10:32] Speaker D: Yes, yes. Yeah, it's on my page. It's been. It's been shared a lot. It's been shown. Okay, cool. You know what I mean? So it's there. And like I said, man, you know, I mean, she's. You know, she's. She's Gonna get fixed the way she needs to get fixed to continue, man. And, you know, and like I said, I've had people from out of state, you know, they're like, hey, man, you know, we want to buy her. I'm like, nope, I can't. They like, you know, I'm not in the market. I mean, you know, I said, of course, anybody would like a big lump of money like that sitting in their bank account. That. But that type of money is not going to move what I. What the purpose of what she's for, you know, I mean, like, you know, you know, and, you know, and then I got asked the question yesterday. They're like, happy for Lord forbid something happens to you. Where's birthday go? I said, bertha's gonna go where she needs to go. She's gonna continue to do. She's going to continue doing, you know, I mean, what should shout out to my boy, Ryan Reese, because without him, he's. He's. He's. He's me when I'm not here, and he's having to do other cooking. So we're cooking tonight for tomorrow, and then we're going to be again cooking for another benefit for Sunday. Oh, so Bertha's back to back. She's never going to be turned off. Off. [01:11:41] Speaker A: She's. [01:11:41] Speaker D: She's going to be cooking like crazy. So shout out to my boy Ryan. [01:11:44] Speaker A: What do y'all do? Y'all sell. Y'all sell plates? I guess. So what's on the. What's on the plate? Y'all making me hungry Tomorrow. [01:11:50] Speaker D: So tomorrow, like that. We got tomorrow and Sunday. Tomorrow, Sunday. Pull pork sausage, chips, and a drink. [01:11:56] Speaker A: So it's different every time. [01:11:58] Speaker D: So there's backstory to this. When I first started got Bera, it was all about doing lake quarters, right? So Bera can hold roughly about 800 late quarters at one time time. And it's a lot of work when you're dealing with that many lay quarters, right? So I changed things up and I started when people would call me, they're like, hey, I want to do late quarter benefit. I'm like, cool. And then I was like, hey, what do you think about pull pork? They're like, oh, I love pork. I was like. I said, well, look, if you're buying everything, let me tell you how much cheaper it's going to be versus buying, you know, 36 cases or 50 cases of Lake quarters. Because we were doing. [01:12:36] Speaker B: On top of that, we got to get donations for rice, beans, and that's the most potato salad, you know, that's the headache. [01:12:41] Speaker D: Yeah. Messy. So I. One day I was just like, no. Like, I'm gonna. Every time they call and tell me they want to do Lake Quarters, I'm gonna talk them out of it because it's, you know, it's a lot of work, but if they, you know, if that's what they want, we'll do it. But I'm like, hey, hey, you know what? Think about pull pork. [01:13:01] Speaker C: I can't even do brisket anymore, right? With the prices. [01:13:05] Speaker D: You'Re gonna get $12 for a plate. [01:13:08] Speaker B: We haven't done one. [01:13:09] Speaker D: And you can get $12 for the same pull pork with sausage, chips and a drink with less work. [01:13:14] Speaker A: Less work. [01:13:15] Speaker D: So they're like, oh. So every time we do one now it's pull pork. You know what I'm saying? Because I've, you know, you know, I've. I'm a pull pork person. I'll take pull pork over brisket any day. Day. Any day. So I always, I mean, you know, I mean, everybody's. Everybody's a king in their way on how they cook, but when it comes to pulled pork, you know, I mean, I'm making, you know, I mean, seven, 800 pounds of it every time when it does a benefit. And so. [01:13:40] Speaker C: Good too. [01:13:44] Speaker D: Yeah. It just depends on whatever, like's, going on in the, in the economy. Because right now, pork is at an all time high. All time high. And it's never been like that. [01:13:52] Speaker A: Wow. [01:13:53] Speaker D: You. I mean, and Lake Quarters kind of has, you know, it's, you know, plateaus where it's at. You know what I mean? You get like 30 bucks a box. You know, there's roughly like 45 pieces in the box. [01:14:02] Speaker B: In box. [01:14:03] Speaker D: But it's just the work versus just putting the barbecue pit. You mean, like you put them, put them on there, just waiting, and all you're doing is shredding it. I mean, chicken, you got to make sure you got. The internal tip rack is bigger than. [01:14:15] Speaker A: The, the actual leg quarter. [01:14:17] Speaker D: Right. [01:14:17] Speaker A: Like, so the, the pork, it's a. [01:14:19] Speaker D: Just, I mean, they called it a. [01:14:21] Speaker A: Boston, like the same size. So it's a little bit bigger than the chicken. [01:14:25] Speaker D: Oh, so you can fit less. [01:14:27] Speaker A: That's what I'm saying. You fit less on the, on the pit as opposed to just a leg quarter. [01:14:31] Speaker B: But it feeds more. [01:14:32] Speaker D: Yeah, it feeds more. [01:14:33] Speaker A: No, no. Yeah. No, I'm just saying that I'm seeing, trying to see how the workload is. [01:14:37] Speaker C: Oh, yeah, well, like, you gotta season the chicken. [01:14:43] Speaker D: Someone's like, paying tit that's how you got to stack these late quarters in there so that you get enough of them in one tray. So Berta's got eight trays. So she's got eight doors and she's double racked. [01:14:53] Speaker A: Holy smokes. [01:14:54] Speaker D: Yeah. You know what I'm saying? So like I said, she, she holds, you know, I mean, that's a lot of work. [01:14:59] Speaker C: Well, the sides, the bread, you know, the bags, the, the pickles. And so there's a lot of moving parts to it, you know, of doing a benefit in general. [01:15:08] Speaker D: But more so what I liked about meeting Jenny and Megan and you know, so many other people that help. It was just like they were doing it. And then when it, when, when it got to the point where they were seeing the magnitude of, they're like, and that not like, hey, this ain't even the biggest one. We're going to do like get bigger you. I mean like it, it's, it's, it's just a blessing, you know, I mean, you know, just seeing, and just, just seeing that the family doesn't have to think about one thing while they're grieving. Right. Cuz nobody wants to go sit down in front of a, a funeral home who's like, yeah, I want to pick the casket, I want the pink. And then it gets emotional. Then they're like, you know, I mean, nobody wants that. So that was like, you know what I mean? How can we take just a little bit of pain away from them, you know, I mean, and be like, okay, yeah, you know, you don't have to worry about the money part. We got you. I'm saying, you know, this, this is what, you know, this is what we're going to do. And like I said, I mean, we've done some where, you know, we've, we've, we've raised, you know, $50,000. I mean, 30,000, 20, like, like, you know, I mean, and it's, it's just a blessing to be able to know that, you know, these young kids. And like I go back to, I said I've buried more kids than I ever want to think about, but the fact that, how beautiful they were laid to rest is just like, I, I can't explain the feeling I get when I see it because normally when I do a benefit, if I'm not close to that family already, I kind of just cut my ties, you know, I mean, they know they can reach out to me. [01:16:35] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:16:35] Speaker D: And I still follow on Facebook and I see. And some of them, man, is just like, all right, all right. Is one that is just. I. I can't get over this. I can't, you know, because I talk with the dad. I mean, like, you know, we're always on text message. The grandmother, they follow me on Facebook, and they're always there to help me with. [01:16:50] Speaker C: She's Rita Allen. That's. That's the grandmother right now that. [01:16:56] Speaker A: On YouTube says, thank you, Pete, Megan, and Jenny, for sharing your eyes story and wishing Jimmy a happy birthday. Love you guys. [01:17:04] Speaker D: Yes. Yeah. And like I said, Jimmy, I mean, is a wonderful, wonderful guy, you know what I'm saying? Very passionate about, you know, his daughter. You know what I mean? [01:17:15] Speaker A: Imagine losing a daughter, man. [01:17:16] Speaker D: Bro. [01:17:17] Speaker C: Well, in. In that manner, you know, especially. I don't think it's something you will ever get over, ever. The life is altered forever. And so it's a beautiful thing that she's who brought us together, you know, Brought us together that, you know, we can do what we do, you know, we did it on a. On a personal level and to be able to unite, you know, so tomorrow we need to show up for Pete, you know, so. For his brother. So don't let the weather scare you. Whoever's listening, where are y'all gonna be? [01:17:49] Speaker D: Posted up at the BFW on airs, right across. Right next to Renata, across the street from the Pizza Hut. [01:17:54] Speaker A: Okay. [01:17:55] Speaker B: Definitely want to give them a shout out every time we have a benefit. My dad is actually part of the VFW there. [01:18:00] Speaker A: Oh, the vfw? [01:18:01] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:18:02] Speaker D: He's been since. Since I met that man. Man, every time I call him, I'm like, hey, Pops. I call him Pops, right? His name's Alfredo, but I call him Pops. I'm like, hey, Pops, I need to use it, okay? Just give me a date. There's no questions asked. It's. And then when he found out, you know, because he follows me on Facebook. So when. When he knew this was my little brother, that's. You know what I mean? Because I said. I mean, I knew eventually, you know what I'm saying, this day would come where I'd have to do this. You know what I mean? So this. Me doing this. And then, you know, my other brothers flew down to be a part of this. You know what I'm saying? And they're meeting people that are telling. They're like, man, you don't know what your brother means to the city. Like, I can't. I can't put into words. I'm saying, you know, what. What your brother means to the city and what he does. So now that I'm having to do this for my brother. That's very close to. You know what I mean? You know, not no longer being here is just like, it's a personal level for me. You know, it's very emotional for me because now I'm. Now I'm cooking with emotion versus when, when I'm doing a benefit for somebody else. It's not emotional. Like, it's, you know, I'm saying it's just something that I feel that has to be done. So now, you know, like Jenny said, like, you know, some of my friends are like, pete, now, now it's time for us to show up for you. And I'm like, y'all do. Y'all just don't realize that you do. Like, anytime I do something like, it's. It's you guys show up. He say, you know, like, my buddy showed up. He said, yeah. He said, but, you know, this is for you. [01:19:20] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:19:20] Speaker D: And for your little brother. You know what I'm saying? You know, he's been battling stage four colon cancer for going on five years now. And, you know, and that's another thing that, you know, I was to, you know, us, us men, men, we need to keep ourselves checked, man. We need to go get checked. Because, you know, I know we're, you know, my mom calls us cafesudos, you know, I mean, because we're like, I don't need to go to the doctor. And, you know, I mean, you know, living starts with health. I mean, living starts with health. You know what I mean? If you. I mean, and. And we're creatures of habit. We're gonna mess up. We, you know, like, I'm gonna go get a torta real quick because you got all these people here that make great food. Not everybody's out there selling high protein sandwiches, you know, you know, so, because you look at that, you know, like. [01:20:00] Speaker C: We need to collaborate and have a benefit with healthy food. [01:20:08] Speaker D: I think we might lose on that one. [01:20:11] Speaker C: Well, the beginning of every year because everybody's on that new year, new year, you know, type of deal. [01:20:16] Speaker D: But yeah, yeah, so, I mean, everybody, like I said, we'll be there from 11 to. To sell out tomorrow, you know, know, always thank you to, you know, Megan and Jenny for always having my back and just knowing what this one means to me. You know, I mean, this is very personal for me, my family. So, yeah, I mean, I'm grateful to be able to just see, you know, everybody tomorrow show up. And I said, you're gonna get that, I promise. I'll put my pulled pork against anybody's, you know what I mean? Like, I stand on business when it comes up, you know, I'm cooking in a large magnitude of it. Right? You know what I mean? You know, so it's, it's. I'm cooking almost £800 tomorrow, you know, it's hard and shout out, to shout out to all the barbecues out there. That, that, that, that do the same thing I do because there's, there's. There's a lot of men and women that, that, that do it on their terms and not so much on the magnitude of what we do. You know what I'm saying? So I always win. When I see other people doing it, I salute them, I go pull up, I donate. You know what I mean? I help out. I'll go buy plates or I'll tell them, hey, man, man, you know, charge me for 50 place, man. Just give them away for the next 50 people to show up. Right? You know, and that, that's another thing that I do with my small business friends that have food trucks. I go there, I'm just, hey, man, you know, they might have a slow day. Hey, man, hey, I'm gonna cash that 50 bucks next five plates. Just donate it. I'm saying, so just go on your live. Go on your live and just be like, hey, man, you know what I'm saying? You know, somebody paid four or five place, first five people to show up. Next thing you know, you got people just, just, they're like, oh. And then they may have not have known about your food, but they saw the opportunity to get something for free. [01:21:45] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:21:46] Speaker D: And then it just insane, you know, it goes first. So I do that with you. I mean, a few of my friends that I know that really work hard and got really good food, you know what I'm saying? And then, you know, there's. There's a lot of people coming. That's what they. Corporate. You can't go down one street and somebody don't, hey, somebody's selling food, somebody said you're gonna get. So anybody, you know what I mean? That's. That's out there. That don't gotta do. Just drive down Staples, drive down neighborhood park. [01:22:08] Speaker A: You. [01:22:08] Speaker D: I mean, there's a food truck out there everywhere, you know what I'm saying? [01:22:14] Speaker B: Neighbor has a food truck. So I want to. What's the Gina's cuisina pan. [01:22:22] Speaker D: If you want. If. If you want panit and you want lupias. Yeah, that. [01:22:27] Speaker A: What color is the truck? [01:22:28] Speaker B: It's actually, it's red and black. [01:22:32] Speaker A: Okay. [01:22:33] Speaker D: Look around. [01:22:35] Speaker A: She's not historical. [01:22:36] Speaker D: Yes. [01:22:37] Speaker B: She usually parks at the Moravian. [01:22:38] Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Yeah. [01:22:40] Speaker D: And she's Filipino, so she's not like. [01:22:44] Speaker B: Yes. And I love, love you, Gina. [01:22:46] Speaker D: Yeah, no, she. I got hooked onto because of Megan. I saw my house because we were always going to. What's that. What's that place so far above the Filipino? [01:22:53] Speaker C: The Olympia house. [01:22:55] Speaker D: Nobody wants to go all the way to Flower Block. [01:22:56] Speaker C: Well, no, no, not unstable. [01:22:58] Speaker D: Yeah. And then I saw. Then I saw. So I hit maker. Who's that? She said she's a real good friend. She's my neighbor. I was like, hey, so then now she knows who I am. I'll just message her, hey, put a tray and a dozen lumpias to the side. I'll pull up and I'll go eat, man. Because it's phenomenal. [01:23:13] Speaker B: And by the way, I think I send a lot of business to a lot of family owners, you know, because I snap all my food. Everyone that knows me knows I snap everything I eat. So every time I snap them. Oh, man, that looks good. Where'd you get it from? So I put in. They sure do. They go, Joseph's lunchbox. I mean, I'm very. I'm very big on supporting local businesses, you know, the small, small, local businesses. [01:23:35] Speaker C: And you know what? Honestly, it's the owners of the local businesses that really show up. [01:23:41] Speaker B: Yeah. [01:23:41] Speaker C: You know, that we're able to count on that, you know, again, are behind the scenes that donate, you know, that's cool. And that. That, you know, give right back into the community, but choose not to be, you know, in that light, you know, to say, you know, it's like, that's why I've always kind of done things behind the scenes, because my treasures are in heaven. You know, I, like, I told her the same thing, you know, put it out there, you know. [01:24:05] Speaker D: And said, because you do a wonderful thing, like you do a lot that people need to know why you do it. So that, you know, I mean, it's not like you're trying to look for the blessings. I said, because it took that old lady for her to tell me, like, she goes, how, How. How do I help you if I don't know how to get a hold of you? I don't have Facebook. I don't have Twitter. I don't have. [01:24:24] Speaker C: But it's literally the smaller businesses. Like, I have a good friend of mine, Juan Valdez, you know, he is amazing. He actually donated. Yes. Jc. I mean, he literally, when JC donates every. That Every single time. I mean, literally even to, you know, I mean, and. And not. And not $100. You're talking, like $2,000, you know, cash app. Hey, if you're believing in this. Cause he. I do, too. And so he is. [01:24:47] Speaker B: He's a great, great person. [01:24:52] Speaker C: With, you know, other business owners that, you know, are blessed and give right back into community as well. [01:25:00] Speaker B: Shout out to Eric Antu. He's. He's been a part of quite of the. Quite a bit of the benefits we've done. [01:25:07] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:25:07] Speaker D: And one more time, shout out to my boy, Ryan Reese, man. Because that. Without that dude, you know, it was a blessing meeting him because he. He was being. He was able to form a heart like mine and just. And I feel like when I'm not here, he's representing me very well. I mean, and. And he's there. He never says no when I tell him, hey, bro, I'm working. You know, we got this family said, okay, just tell me where go. He's the only one that has keys to Bera, to unlock her. Everybody else. You ever. [01:25:35] Speaker A: It was because. Was it difficult to find. To find a person like that? [01:25:39] Speaker D: Oh, absolutely. [01:25:39] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:25:40] Speaker D: Because it is, right? Because you can ask anybody. And, you know, you've had, you know, barbecue guys on your podcast before. When, When. When. When you're used to cooking a certain way, it's hard to trust somebody to cook like you. It's very hard, you know what I'm saying? You know, and then to follow the same steps. And, man, you know, know, sometimes I ask him, april, can you cook a pork butt for me? He was like, you want to eat mine? Yeah, I taught you how to cook it, you know, so I trust you. You say, I trust you. So. And like I said, he just. He. He doesn't know how to say no. Selfless Ryan. Like, he's. He's. He's awesome. Like I said, you know, he's the only one that has a set of keys to Big Bera. When he. He wants to pick, like, Abra, I'm gonna pick Big Birth up and go get her. Like, go get her. So, you know, and I said, shout out to Big Birth, man. She's doing her thing. You. I mean, she's gonna continue you, you know, doing what she was meant to do, you know, because Mr. Cooper, that's. He did this just on a different scale because he always did it for the church. So. So when he built, you know, Big Bertha, he. He built it because of the church that him and his wife and family were Involved with. So. And that's why he put the bell, you mean, for the kids to be able to ring it. So, you know, I felt that, you know, I mean, you know, when his wife was ip, you remind me so much of my husband because, you know, he doesn't know how to say no. He was always helping kids and stuff like that. So when she gave me the price that I was gonna pay for it, I was just like, what? Like, yes, like, you know, this is my dream. I mean, just looking at it, you'd be like, if you don't have a pit, you're like, man, I wish I had a pit like that because I saw other people's pit I admired. I was like, one day. One day I'm getting like that. And that blessing just came. And it came at the perfect time because the next day we went to Yvonne. [01:27:17] Speaker B: Actually how we actually met, like, actually got in contact, right? [01:27:22] Speaker D: Because he. [01:27:23] Speaker B: When Uvalde happened, my. He saw my post because my friend Stephen Garcia is actually. He lost his daughter in the Uvalde shooting, so. [01:27:32] Speaker C: Ellie. [01:27:32] Speaker B: Ellie Garcia. And so he reached out to me, was like, hey, I saw, you know, that your friend, you know, his. His daughter was one of the victims, and I want to go cook for them and all this stuff. And, and so I told him we'll reach out to him. Like, his name's Steven Garcia. Like, because he was planning on going out there, I didn't get to. [01:27:50] Speaker D: I met all the families, man. And I'll tell you one thing. Yeah, it's. It's. It's horrible. Like, just driving into that, Driving into Uvalde, man, just gave me this. This horrible feeling, you know, like, you know, it, It's. It. Because you're about. Is so small. It's a. It's a small, small community, and everybody knows everybody. So I got to meet all the families, I'm saying, you know, the, The. The. The teachers and all the kids. So. And then, you know, I had made a video, you know, dedicated to kids, and it was on my tick tock. And that. That. That video went viral. Like over a million views. Like, you know, because I got like, up and personal, you know, with, with the families and, you know, you know, and, And. And the teachers, you know, and stuff like that. And then just going and seeing, like, man, it's just even going now, like, it's. It feels so fresh, you're saying, like, it just feels so fresh and stuff like that, that kids, you know, had to endure that, you know what I mean? And just have to Go through that, you know, I mean, it's just, you know, it just makes you think, like, what were they thinking before? You know, this idiot went in there and just unloaded, you know what I mean? And, you know, nine year old kids, I'm saying nine year old kids couldn't defend themselves, couldn't do nothing, you know, and, and so, you know, it's something that, you know, I mean, like I said, I mean, I'm never, I'll always support and go and do anything that they ask, you know, I mean, when it comes to helping them. [01:29:10] Speaker A: So it's awesome, man. Well, thanks for you guys for coming on the podcast. [01:29:13] Speaker D: Appreciate that. [01:29:14] Speaker A: Is there anything else you guys want to share? [01:29:16] Speaker B: Just if you're out and about tomorrow, make sure to go VFW 2397. [01:29:26] Speaker A: Where's her camera? My, my, this one right here. Look into that. The, the bottom, the bottom camera. Oh, and promote it through that camera so we can recon. [01:29:38] Speaker B: Yes, yes. So inviting everyone out Tomorrow of the VFW Post 2397 on 4441 Air street we're going to be doing the benefit for his brother, for Pete's brother. [01:29:53] Speaker C: Other. [01:29:53] Speaker B: And then also Sunday we're doing one at the Texas Nugget. And that is for a known DJ here, actually, DJ Ray Ray. So he's known in the Tejano community and things like that as well. So we want to thank Eric Gunthu for being able to lend us the place to have the benefit there as well. So just make sure to go. [01:30:14] Speaker C: Bye. [01:30:15] Speaker A: Yes. [01:30:15] Speaker D: Come on, come, come take a picture with Big Bertha. [01:30:17] Speaker A: Come through, come through. Appreciate you guys, man, that's awesome. [01:30:20] Speaker D: Thank you, thank you for having us. [01:30:21] Speaker A: I love what y'all are doing in the community. It's awesome. And just talking this as far as like being an influence, like, that's huge because I mean, it's here, it's here in Corpus, but we don't see. It's not in the limelight, you know, and I think they're just talking about it is helpful. [01:30:38] Speaker D: I like to give you, I'd like to give you your flowers, man, because I said I, I went through your. When, when I found out about your thing real quick, I reached out to Jenny, I was like, hey, message this guy, you know, I mean, to find out what it's going to take. Right? You know, I mean, because I went through your clip and I just like the professionalism. [01:30:56] Speaker A: Oh, cool. [01:30:56] Speaker D: Of the way, the way the way your videos are edited, the way the conversations, like I'm saying, like, you're, you're having conversations that I feel that are on the level of like a Joe Rogan cool. You know, I mean, other big podcasts because, you know, you're, you're allowing your, your guests to speak without you giving them, hey, well, I gave you this list of, of things to talk about. You know, I mean, instead of just, you know, letting like, hey man, freestyle. I mean, tell me about Pete, tell me about Jenny, tell me about Megan. Yeah, I'm saying versus, you know, I got this card right here. I need you to go off this card right here. And there's a lot that I've seen that, you know, they're like, hey, well I'm gonna send you this list. You know, I'm sending you this, this and you know, this is what we're gonna talk about. I was like, well, is it about you or me? You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, because if it's about me, then let, let me speak from the heart. I don't want to telegraph anything that has been pre written or talk about anything that's pre written. Like, you know, I'm saying like, let's, let's. Yeah, let's, let's really talk about what community means or cool. You know, stuff like that. So, you know, shout out to Corpus Christi Originals. Thank you for having us, man. [01:31:58] Speaker C: You know, thank you very much. [01:32:00] Speaker D: You got our prayers and hope that it takes you to the next level of everything, man. [01:32:03] Speaker A: Appreciate it, man. Thanks a lot. Yeah, I really like to. And I was listening to Joe Rogan earlier and I told my wife, I was like. Because people said that I'm like the corpus of Joe Rogan of Corpus or whatever. [01:32:13] Speaker D: Absolutely. [01:32:13] Speaker A: And I'm like, what? And then I was listening to it today. He was talking to Mark Zuckerberg and I was like, damn, I am kind of like Joe Rogan. But yeah, yeah, dude. I mean, I like for people to share their story like without, like, give, give them a, A fair shake. You know what I mean? I don't know how you call it or whatever because I've had people on here. Oh, you can have that person on there or you can have. I'm like, why not? You know what I mean? And I'm like that even outside of the podcast, I'll just give somebody a fair. It could be because I, I think I learned this from my dad and my dad taught my, my grandmother taught my dad. Like when you first meet somebody, just be respectful to them because you never know that if they're going to cross your path again later and that I think that I carry that with me along in this, this, this podcast. And another, another thing like I read the Bible and stuff. There's a verse in there that talks about that. A. A wise person, like, he draw. He draws out the. He draws the person's thoughts out. Out to. To light. You know what I mean? And that's one another thing that I kind of like try to do with. With one of what I'm doing here. You know what I mean? Like, all the stuff you're talking about, it's. It's something that comes out and I think that it's helpful for us, for the people listening. So it's kind of. It's kind of like, like that influence that. That you're trying to do with what you're doing that's kind of this along the same lines that I'm. That I'm doing. So. Yeah, thanks a lot for that. Appreciate it. [01:33:41] Speaker D: Yeah, no, man, thank you. [01:33:42] Speaker C: Thank you for having us. It's a privilege and honor to be here and share welcome what we do. [01:33:47] Speaker A: Thanks a lot everybody in the chat. If there's nothing else y'all want to share, do you want to share maybe, like, how do we find you guys? Or. Or I'll put. I'll put some links of. To Yalls profiles and stuff like that underneath on the description. [01:33:59] Speaker D: Oh, and bur's got Bertha big birth, got an Instagram. So you guys, I'll send you the link, man. Y'all go look your follower. I'll post all, you know, know, pictures and videos of what, you know, your benefits that we do and stuff like that. So what's it. [01:34:13] Speaker A: What's the. What's the. The handle? The at the at sign. Big birthday. [01:34:19] Speaker D: You'll see a picture of her. [01:34:20] Speaker A: Okay. [01:34:20] Speaker D: You. You'll be able to see. I mean, yeah, I'm gonna go follow that one. [01:34:23] Speaker A: I think if I'm not following, I'll go follow that one. [01:34:26] Speaker D: And my buddy in Dallas is the one that told me to say, bro. He says, why are you not letting her get her flowers? That's somebody talking about. He's just like, give her her own page, dude. [01:34:36] Speaker A: Dude. On tick. Oh, you put it on Tick Tock, bro. You know how people doing barbecue on Tick Tock? [01:34:41] Speaker D: Oh, yeah. I mean, I got a. I got a decent following on, you know, I mean, so, you know, I mean, I'm. I'm slowly getting into where, you know, I'm just start dedicating that to her. [01:34:52] Speaker A: You know what I mean, and it's tough too because you have all these things, all these social medias you got to like take care of and stuff like that. [01:34:57] Speaker B: It's hard. [01:34:58] Speaker A: So it's like, damn, I gotta do one for every single one. And then there's more coming out. Can't keep track of all this stuff. But yeah, so follow Big Bertha's page. We didn't talk about your music, your music or anything like that. Do you. So do we follow you on Megan? [01:35:15] Speaker B: My music page is. Yeah, music. [01:35:18] Speaker A: And then Jenny Lee generally had her. [01:35:21] Speaker D: What? [01:35:21] Speaker A: You had your 75. What was it? [01:35:23] Speaker C: Oh, so 75 hard. [01:35:25] Speaker A: 75 hard. [01:35:26] Speaker C: So I finished, I finished the 75 hard on December 31st. But I'm currently on day 10 of phase one one. [01:35:31] Speaker A: No. [01:35:32] Speaker C: So I've taken it 85 days. I'll go eight, one hundred and five days. So shut up. [01:35:38] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:35:39] Speaker C: Super, super proud of you. [01:35:42] Speaker B: Proud of you. [01:35:42] Speaker C: Not an easy thing, but it's definitely, you know, one of those things double meat with cheese. [01:35:48] Speaker D: Walk away from. [01:35:49] Speaker A: Especially when you're a driver. I'm a driver, bro. Yeah, I stop at the truck stop. Ah, do I get an apple and an orange or do I get one of these pizza? Two, two slices for. For eight bucks or whatever, you know. [01:36:01] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:36:01] Speaker B: Nowadays they're the same price. [01:36:03] Speaker A: Yeah, exactly, exactly. [01:36:06] Speaker C: Yeah. [01:36:07] Speaker B: Very proud of you. [01:36:08] Speaker C: Thank you. So it's not a weight challenge. Oh, it's actually a mental challenge. It's a mental toughness challenge of, you know, so the only way you fail is if you choose not to complete your daily tasks. So for instance, I think honest with you. Right. So you have to have integrity is what it comes down to. Right. So integrity is not taught, you know, you either have it or you don't. And so for instance, if, you know, we're required to drink a gallon of water a day. If you drink 127 ounces, you failed. You go back to day one. [01:36:38] Speaker A: Oh, back. [01:36:39] Speaker C: Back to day one. So for me, I've spent many nights, mornings, you know, 4:00 in the morning, awake, you know, still getting my test done, you know, and. But there's no. Failing is not an option. Failing is not an option. You know, I'm gonna do something. Like we said, it's wholeheartedly. So I've put everything into this, but to better myself, you know, to pull myself out. It just makes you be on your A game, you know. So this year, you know, not playing small, doing a great things, you know, collaborating together, hopefully to do something big for the homeless. Community and just being better in general, ourselves to be better people, you know, for ourselves, number one, our families and the people who depend on us. [01:37:22] Speaker D: Right on. Amen. [01:37:24] Speaker A: Amen to that. Thanks for sharing. Thanks a lot, you guys. This is like our third goodbye. This is. [01:37:28] Speaker D: Yeah. [01:37:29] Speaker A: Customary South Texas. [01:37:32] Speaker B: You just like us. [01:37:35] Speaker D: Well, hopefully, hopefully soon we'll. We'll be back again, man. Yeah, you know, we'll have more things to talk about. [01:37:41] Speaker A: Right on. Thanks a lot, you guys, for joining the podcast. Stay tuned for the next episode, which will probably I'm doing. I drop down to once a month. So next month there'll be somebody on here. If you have any suggestions, shout them out. Suggestions for these guys or. Or comments for them, leave it in below. Leave it. It'll be on YouTube if you want to re watch it. And I also post clips on all my social media. Just look for me Corpus Christi Original Originals and you'll find me there. Also shop merch. I got a. I got a merch store. We actually started. If you don't know this, we started as a brand before a podcast. So the podcast is kind of. They're mixed together. So we got. If you want to help support the. The podcast or even just what I'm doing, you can buy some merch on corpse christy.com. but thanks a lot, you guys. Have a good one. But Maya, shout out to Maya back there, our producer for making this look nice out here and see y'all later. Bye. [01:38:31] Speaker C: Thank you.

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